Company details for Novoflex


  • +44 (Display number) +44 (0)1902 255 500
St. David's Court, Union Street
Wolverhampton WV1 3JE United Kingdom

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About us

For over 70 years, Novoflex have been producing unique photographic and cinematic accessories for image makers around the world.

All Novoflex product development focuses on how to overcome photographic challenges for both amateurs and professionals, using practical experience and an understanding of what is required. Through careful study and product testing, Novoflex provide solutions to enhance the quality of the photographic experience to help make perfect images.

Beautifully designed and crafted, Novoflex products are precision engineered on site at their factory in Memmingen, Germany. Products go through a rigorous quality control process of before leaving the factory, to ensure that customers receive the very best in design and construction.

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