Company details for Novograf Brand Realization

Novograf Brand Realization

  • 0135 (Display number) 01355 900100
10 Langlands Place
Kelvin South
East Kilbride
Glasgow G75 0YF United Kingdom

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Lamigraf™ is Novograf's own ultra tough, PVC-free solution for most surfaces. This unique, tough, semi-flexible laminate is designed to withstand the daily rigours of the customer-facing environment

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About us

Novograf is a Brand Realization company which manufactures surface solutions and implements national rollouts of ‘look & feel’ for Stores, QSRs, Banks and Hotels throughout the UK - in essence, we turn design vision into a roll-out reality. We think differently - a good example of that is the fact that all of us own the company together. We have Employee Directors on both the Trust and the Company Boards and because everyone you deal with owns the company, we all ‘go that extra mile’ to make sure you’re happy.

Here at Novograf, we strive to help companies achieve their goals, challenges, opportunities, requirements, aspirations and expectations.  Since establishment, we have grown a significant reputation in the branding industry, offering excellent customer service wherever possible that is professional, reliable and efficient.  We as a company pride ourselves on our ability to successfully brand companies in a unique and innovative way.

Our technical, design, development, planning, manufacturing and installation teams here at Novograf are fully dedicated to ensuring that our customers receive the very best treatment they can offer.  We are also committed to using environmentally-friendly materials when designing our branding solutions as we understand the importance of maintaining the environment as efficiently as possible.

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Latest Reviews

Novograf Brand Realization

It’s basically about having a can-do attitude, something I think Novograf are very good at. It’s why I don’t think twice about picking up the phone to speak to them – always a positive response


Novograf Brand Realization

Novograf are very pro-active in the way they manage work. Good communicators and keep us in the loop on progress.


Novograf Brand Realization

Definitely a partnership with Novograf as they help us on design to save money later.""We always go to them first as they always have ideas which inform our thinking.


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