Company details for NSUK - Asbestos Surveys

NSUK - Asbestos Surveys

  • 020 (Display number) 020 8103 6882
Hampstead House 176 Finchley Rd
London Greater London NW3 6BT United Kingdom

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About us

NSUK are a leading Asbestos Consultancy with over 40 years experience in providing professional, affordable and efficient Asbestos Services including Asbestos Consultancy, Asbestos Surveys, Asbestos Sampling, Asbestos Testing, Asbestos Removal, Asbestos Re-inspection and Fire Risk Assessments in Essex, London and the rest of the UK.

All of our Asbestos survey reports are turned around and sent to you within 24 hours and we also operate a 24-hour hour emergency callout service, which over the years has ensured we receive repeat business.

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Latest Reviews

NSUK - Asbestos Surveys

I had a survey booked and the surveyor didn't turn up (wasting my entire morning). I phoned to complain and mysteriously my booking had been moved forward by a week - I got nothing but a 'sorry'. When I pushed for compensation, I was given 5% (wow!) off, so I said I would go elsewhere. I was then given 10% off (still an insult given the half day's holiday I had wasted) and given a promise that the surveyor would turn up at 1pm. Again, I waited and waited but nothing. To add insult to injury, I have now been sent an invoice for payment! If it was possible to give zero stars, I would. You've been warned!


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