Company details for Omnimed Ltd

Omnimed Ltd

  • 0196 (Display number) 01962 626364
Unit 1A
Abbas Business Centre
Itchen Abbas
Winchester Hampshire SO21 1BQ United Kingdom

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About us

Omnimed provide high quality and cost effective endoscope accessories to NHS hospitals and UK private healthcare market. Our products are from leading manufacturers who conform to a comprehensive quality management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices. (e.g., ISO13485: 2016, ISO9001: 2008), Medical Device Directives 93/42 EEC, and who are all CE compliant. All our products have GTIN (Global Trade Item Numbers). Many of our products are disposable to help infection prevention and control. We offer a range of products for biopsy and hot biopsy procedures, including biopsy and foreign body forceps, biopsy valves and button kits, inflation devices, cleaning brushes, injection needles and polyp retrieval nets. We offer equipment for colonoscopy and upper and lower GI procedures, endoscopy, cystoscopy, bronchoscopy and gastroscopy procedures. We stock brands such as Olympus, Pentax, Black Eye and Andorate.

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