Company details for Orthoplastics Ltd

Orthoplastics Ltd

  • +44 (Display number) +44 1706 874171
Grove Mill
Todmorden Road
Bacup Lancashire OL13 9EF United Kingdom

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About us

Due to the expertise, knowledge and research conducted at Orthoplastics, a series of recognisable developments have been achieved in relation to the manufacture and supply of the highest quality UHMWPE available on the market.
Today, Orthoplastics is recognised globally as the leading supplier of UHMWPE, supplying many of the world’s orthopaedic device manufacturers. Its premium grade UHMWPE is expertly manufactured onsite in the UK and is the material of choice in a wide range of orthopaedic implants and devices for applications in hips, knees, shoulders, elbows, ankles and fingers.

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