Company details for Outram Research Ltd

Outram Research Ltd

  • 0124 (Display number) 01243 573050
Haining House
Taylors Lane
Bosham West Sussex PO18 8QQ United Kingdom

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About us

An electronic design house based in the South of England, Outram Research Ltd has developed a reputation for creating the highest quality products. This family-run business produces power quality analysers as well as fault level monitors and a number of other related products, ideal for electrical engineers and power quality consultants. Visit the website today to learn more on what is available.

Latest Reviews

Outram Research Ltd

The reason I think your PM3000 is the best product in my shop is the reliability and the software. I use 5 different brands of recorders and this one by far has been the most reliable. The software updates are great, with the 60 day reminders. The layout of the software and every single function make it simple and user friendly unlike most products.


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