Company details for Payroll Heaven

Payroll Heaven

  • 0746 (Display number) 07460965238
52A Burton Road
Manchester Greater Manchester M203EB United Kingdom

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About us

With our payroll bureau service, we provide you with the latest cloud-based software, researched and developed by our experienced team to ensure that your workforce is paid accurately and on time. This allows you to retain in-house control over data input and allows you the flexibility to outsource as much, or as little, of the payroll processing tasks to meet your optimum business requirements. 
Fully Managed Service

By choosing to leave your outsourced payroll needs in the capable hands of Payroll Heaven your time management is immediately improved, leaving you to get on with the business of running your business!
We are here to effectively manage everything to do with your payroll. There is no need to employ a payroll professional within your organisation.

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