Company details for Platinum Recruitment Consultancy

Platinum Recruitment Consultancy

  • 0120 (Display number) 01202 203 150
Suite 4, 1st Floor, Richmond House
Yelverton Road
Bournemouth Dorset BH1 1DA United Kingdom

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About us

This includes chef jobs, reception, housekeeping and waiting, in hotels, pubs, restaurants, and Michelin star kitchens. For the past 12 years we have worked seamlessly with employers such as Chewton Glen and Holiday Inn. We have placed over 11,500 candidates in jobs that cover many areas in the hospitality industry. Our ethos of being dedicated to providing a brilliant service to our clients and prospective candidates is the key driving force to our success.
At our core, respect and innovation are paramount. These values enable our recruitment team to meet the expectations of the UK’s finest and best known brands. If you’re interested in a hospitality job of any kind at any level, contact one of our friendly team members on 01202 203 150.

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