Company details for POB Dash

POB Dash

  • 012 (Display number) 01206503155
26 Juniper Road
Colchester Essex CO3 0RX United Kingdom

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Secure Payment Facility

Secure Payment Facility


Built in payment processor so companies can just add authentication and account details.

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About us

Leading providers of integrated and flexible taxi booking services, POB Dash provide automation from initial booking through to passenger on board.  Since establishment, our company has engineered an all-in-one online booking software that is designed to make life easier for administrators, drivers and customers.  The software can be used on any platform, mobile or PC and offers a variety of innovative features including a user-friendly UI, travel history, real time update, handy service facility, secure payment facility and flexible customer pricing.

The functions we provide are designed to fulfil the varied needs of the three parts of a business; vehicle management companies, customers and drivers.  Each division of the business will have their own log-in credentials and dashboard to control and monitor their respected areas.  We as a company are proud to provide automation at its absolute best, allowing clients to connect with customers and drivers using a web-based software that is easy to use, professional and effective.  We are high on compassion and enthusiasm and are committed to providing state-of-the-art work.

Our service enables an efficient and timely dispatch to customers and allows them to check live bookings based on their driver locations.  They can book within the app, schedule advance bookings with notifications and edit bookings within the app.  We have received a significant amount of praise over the years for our unique and innovative services that have been utilised across multiple businesses and organisations.  We encourage any potential clients who are looking for a simple, efficient taxi booking service to contact our team right away.

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