Company details for Prime Security Services Limited

Prime Security Services Limited

  • 0121 (Display number) 01217777756
Kings Court - 17 School Road Hall Green
Birmingham B28 8JG United Kingdom

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About us

At Prime Security Service Limited, we are committed to providing top-notch security solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. Whether you're looking for manned guarding, mobile patrols, or event security, our team of trained professionals ensures that your premises are safe and secure around the clock. We pride ourselves on delivering comprehensive security services that exceed industry standards, offering peace of mind to our clients.

With a strong focus on innovation, we employ the latest security technology and strategies to enhance the protection we provide. From advanced CCTV systems to state-of-the-art alarm monitoring, our approach integrates both human expertise and cutting-edge technology to prevent security breaches and respond swiftly when needed. Our team is fully trained to handle a variety of security challenges, ensuring your property and assets are always protected.

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