Company details for Production Automation Ltd

Production Automation Ltd

  • +44 (Display number) +44 (0)1824 520565
2nd Floor
51 High Street
Mold Flintshire CH7 1BQ United Kingdom

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About us

Automation and process control components have often been supplied to UK customers at a hefty premium. Many end users and OEMs have been struggling for years to find brands which offer a healthy balance between price and quality.  

Our website, launched in 2020, sells established brands who have demonstrated high levels of reliability. Our products are supported with excellent customer service, technical support and warranty backup. Our focus is on trusted products which are simple to install and extremely reliable. 

We aim to build partnerships with our customers by:

-Offering the best price first time
-Ensuring our products are accurately described with relevant supporting documents
-Maintaining high and accurate levels of stock
-Being available to answer any presales queries in a friendly manner
-Offering a comprehensive support package including full warranty
-Committing to sustainability and environmental controls in conjunction with our main brands

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