Company details for Purvis Marquees

Purvis Marquees

  • +44 (Display number) +44 1313353685
4b East Mains Holdings
Newbridge Midlothian EH28 8NB United Kingdom

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About us

At Purvis, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality marquee hire and event solutions for our clients. With our team of experienced event professionals and our in-house manufacturing capabilities, we are able to offer a range of short and long-term hire options, as well as marquees for sale, with a variety of high-quality accessories and finishes. We are committed to delivering events that exceed expectations and to maintaining strong relationships within the industry. As a company that holds a Royal Warrant in the supply of marquees to the Royal household, we are proud to uphold the highest standards of service. Our project management team will work with you to bring your vision to life, ensuring a safe and efficient build and dismantle of your event or project.

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