Company details for R&J Machinery

R&J Machinery

  • 0145 (Display number) 01455 840224
Dodwells Industrial Estate
Brindley Road
Leicester Leicestershire LE10 3BY United Kingdom

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About us

R&J Machinery is one of the UK's leading new and used woodworking machinery suppliers

Established in 1994, we are a family business offering a complete range of new woodworking machinery from manufactures such as Altendorf, Hebrock, TigerStop, Cehisa, Essetre, Essepigi, Reinbold and Casolin, to name but a few. Our range of used machines is also impressive, with machines arriving daily and specialist staff on hand to service and prepare these for their new owners.

Our after-sales care and engineering services are second to none; with years of experience shared between our service engineers (all of which are employed by R&J Machinery). We have the solution to any problems you may encounter, and can provide spare parts as you need them.


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