Company details for R & K Stockcraft

R & K Stockcraft

  • +44 (Display number) +44 1908561298
19 Vicarage Road
Stony Stratford
Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK11 1BN United Kingdom

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About us

Your one stop shop in the market town of Stony Stratford, on the outskirts of Milton Keynes.  The business has been serving the shooting community for over 30 years; with onsite parking we are in the perfect location for customers from Bucks, Northants, Beds and Oxon.
Our small team has extensive experience and knowledge in all aspects of countryside sports.
We have an onsite gunsmith, a newly refurbished rifle and air rifle room, a shotgun room clearly laid out for easy browsing and all the major brands you would expect from a shop offering guns, clothing and footwear for all your sporting needs

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