Company details for R M Architectural Consultants Ltd

R M Architectural Consultants Ltd

  • +44 (Display number) +44 1525217904
The White House
Hockliffe Street
Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 1HD United Kingdom

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About us

With over 25 years experience in the construction sector, Graham Rosser began his career with the building control section at South Bedfordshire District Council (now Central Bedfordshire Council) where he undertook a course of studies culminating in a honours degree at Westminster University. This enabled him to become a Chartered Surveyor with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE). He spent ten years working at SBDC before moving to become a building inspector at Cherwell District Council in Banbury for a further five years. Having controlled literally thousands of building projects ranging from housing estates to office buildings to distribution centres, Graham accumulated an extensive site knowledge which formed the foundations of Rosser Morris, now RM Architectural Consultants Ltd.

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