Company details for Ruhof UK

Ruhof UK

  • 0132 (Display number) 01323 511038
Peskett Solutions Ltd
55 Brampton Road
Eastbourne East Sussex BN22 9AF United Kingdom

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Product Information

Respirator Face Masks - Kn95 / FFP2

Respirator Face Masks - Kn95 / FFP2


Kn95 / FFP2 Respirator Face Masks have a minimum of 94% filtration and maximum 8% leakage to the inside. They are mainly used by healthcare professionals against influenza viruses. They are currently recommended by the WHO (World Health Organisation) as means of protection against the coronavirus.
Features and Benefits
Bacteria control.
Fog and haze prevention.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Formaldehyde protection.
Multiple filtering.
Breathable materials.

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About us

Peskett Solutions are a leading cleaning chemical company trading under the brand RUHOF™. Ruhof has a reputation for supplying the medical and healthcare industry with a range of high quality enzymatic cleaners for cleaning medical instruments and scopes as well as offering a range of initiative instrument and scope care products for use within operating theatres, endoscopy units and clinics.

Ruhof, known as the experts in a bottle are a leading worldwide supplier of enzymatic cleaning products for surgical instrument and scopes.

Their enzymatic cleaners are a unique synergistic formulation of protease, amylase, lipase, carbohydrase and proprietary enzymes that remove fat, blood, protein and carbohydrates from all surgical instruments and scopes.

The Ruhof range of maintenance products can be used to maintain your surgical instruments, stainless steel trolleys and autoclave chambers, removing all rust, spots, stains and corrosion, as well as scale, alkaline and mineral deposits.

New to the Peskett Solutions range is the popular ProReveal Protein Detection Test Kit from Synoptics Health. As an exclusive distributor we are proud to provide the unique test kit throughout the UK and Ireland.

The ProReveal Protein Detection Test Kit uses very sensitive and cost effective fluorescence technology telling you exactly where and how much protein is on your surgical instrument. The ProReveal is a better protein testing solution than testing kits currently available in the commercial market.  

The ProReveal Protein Detection Test Kit conforms to BS EN ISO 15883-1 and comes with a ProReveal viewer. For more information, please contact Peskett Solutions.

The CS/SPD PULL THRU™ is an instrument cleaning device, which can be effectively used to clean the hard-to-reach narrow lumen channels of laparoscopic and cannulated instruments in a single pass. The CS/SPD PULL THRU™ is designed to clean instruments with lumens from 1mm to 15mm. Use with Ruhof’s multi-tiered enzymatic detergents for more effective cleaning.

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