Company details for Rush Computers Ltd

Rush Computers Ltd

  • +44 (Display number) +44 7949995349
10 Clare Road
Manchester Lancashire M19 2GP United Kingdom

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About us

Computer Repair for Manchester & Stockport
Welcome to Rush Computers, we have been serving small businesses in Manchester and Stockport for over 15 years. We offer a fast callout service for business and home computer users. We know how you feel. Almost nothing is as irritating as losing a service that you have come to rely on and is an important part of your business or personal life. We understand that you don't mean next week but now - "my computer needs fixing as soon as possible". Our core business is computer support, we offer the following services:

  • Computer Repairs
  • Computer Upgrades
  • Business or Home Networking
  • Data Recovery
  • Virus Removal and Protection
  • Website Design, SEO and Web Hosting
  • Data Cabling
Our computer repair service covers Manchester, Stockport, Lancashire and Cheshire. We give priority to the most urgent cases where perhaps a public organization or private business cannot operate or where its data security may become compromised without prompt action. Sometimes, if the problem is not very serious we can tell you how to fix something relatively simple over the phone and we're happy to do that and hope that you will keep us in mind for any more serious problems that may occur or even recommend us to friends and colleagues.

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