Company details for SPL Fire & Security

SPL Fire & Security

  • +44 (Display number) +44 1234857581
9 Stewart Court
Bedford Bedfordshire MK43 9PH United Kingdom

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About us

SPL Fire and Security Systems

Bedfordshire’s leading CCTV, Intruder Alarm & Access Control installation company

SPL Fire and Security are a fully SSAIB and BAFE accredited CCTV, Access Control and Intruder / Fire Alarm specialists based in Bedford serving Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, London and the Home Counties. SPL Fire and Security guarantee to give comprehensive qualified advice, design, installation and maintenance of your fire and security system. By using the latest up-to-date state of the art equipment SPL Fire and Security are one of the leading fire and security companies in the area.

SPL Fire and Security offer complete fire and security packages to the highest standard including police response alarms and maintenance contracts that give you totally safe and secure environment that satisfies company requirements.

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