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Articles 1961 to 1970 | Page 197 of 306
04 September 2019
The Advantages and Disadvantages of YouTube
YouTube is a very popular social media platform nowadays.
New Office in Altrincham
22 August 2019
Ceilcote- Void Spraying UK
Finding help when looking for void spraying UK couldn’t be simpler when choosing us
15 August 2019
Plan and Prepare to Maximise Audience Motivation
Lynda Russell-Whitaker explores how to appeal to different learning styles when presenting
Of Mice and (Mad) Men
Desmond Harvey argues that balance optimizes persuasive communication, even in advertising
The Narrative Fallacy
Hasnaê Kerach explores the mind’s ability to create stories that have no grounding in reality
Incomplete Benefits
Ewan Pearson compares pitches with basketball to explain why so many of them need work.
14 August 2019
Production Begins at Appomattox
The Appomattox floating oil production system operated by Shell started production on Thursday 17th May, several months ahead of schedule.
Wozair Acquire Majority Shareholding in Thermoplant
Wozair is delighted to announce the acquisition of a majority shareholding in Thermoplant (Offshore Services) Ltd from Bassaire.
How to beat world record.. on a Penny Farthing!
What’s the most dangerous part of completing Le Jog on a Penny Farthing and what training does it take to get to that stage in the first place?
Articles 1961 to 1970 | Page 197 of 306