Company details for SJ Electronics

SJ Electronics

  • 0800 (Display number) 0800 583 4455
3 Vernon Court
Henson Way, Telford Way Industrial Estate
Kettering Northamptonshire NN16 8PX United Kingdom

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About us

Bringing Test and Measurement Innovations to Engineers

We are a specialist technical provider of electronic and electrical test and measurement equipment along with electrical, temperature and pressure calibration systems

For almost 30 years, we have been serving and supporting industrial, education and research customers with product demonstrations, niche specification advice and pre and post sales technical and customer support.

Our portfolio boasts over 30 manufacturers, including industry-leading brands such as Tektronix, Keithley, Fluke (Fluke Calibration), FLIR Thermal Imaging, AMETEK Programmable Power, Yokogawa, GW Instek and many more.

Market Areas: Education, Industry and Research & Development

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