Company details for Slik Fasteners Ltd

Slik Fasteners Ltd

  • +44 (Display number) +44 (0)161 955 4225
Adamson House
Towers Business Park
Wilmslow Road
Manchester Greater Manchester M20 2YY United Kingdom

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About us

Established in 1936, the SLIK brand has grown from a small business manufacturing in Manchester UK, to a global zipper supplier to many of the world’s respected retailers, fashion brands and store groups.
As an organisation, we understand the importance of doing business ethically and sustainably in the global market place. We are constantly looking to improve our knowledge, product innovation and customer relationships.
SLIK has manufacturing facilities located in six countries and sales and technical support offices strategically located in international cities around the world. Our friendly approach, expertise and understanding of the industry has created a loyal customer base as we continue to expand our products and services in emerging markets.
In terms of product, the company supplies a wide range of coil, metal and plastic zippers covering many areas of application including fashion based zippers that utilise special tape weaves, decorative thermoplastic polyurethane coated tapes, high visibility reflective tapes, fancy puller cords as well a large collection of high quality metal zip pullers, which are available in a wide range of professional finishes. Most zippers are available with GRS certified polyester tapes. Please navigate to the products menu to learn more.
Our goal is to bring the best possible products

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