Our Slipstop cleaning products are produced in our chemical laboratories in Europe, where we constantly improve our formulas and push the quality standards in the cleaning products industry.
The Slipstop cleaner range is designed to sustain the high level of safety achieved with minimum effort and includes products for specialised surface upkeep as well as general-purpose cleaning.
With over 40 years of expertise, Slipstop has a rich history of delivering top-notch safety floor solutions to numerous companies across the globe. Our client roster encompasses industrial entities, hospitals, cruise liners, government facilities, resorts, spas, and many others.
We have collaborated with occupational risk managers, loss control managers, architects, and a diverse range of safety experts to reduce the likelihood of accidents, including incidents involving slips, trips, and falls on wet surfaces.
Our Services
Our Anti-Slip Treatments are Effective on:
Ceramic, Vitrified
Quarry Tiles
Reconstituted Stone
Anti-Slip Treatment
We offer a solution that can render floors safe overnight. This treatment can be applied to existing floors and is effective in both wet and dry conditions. We provide a guarantee that it will maintain its effectiveness for a minimum of five years.
Below Surface Impregnator Sealer
The Below Surface Sealer is specifically crafted to safeguard porous tile and stone surfaces, encompassing materials like granite, marble, limestone, terracotta, terrazzo, concrete, brick pavers, grout joints, and various others. Slipstop impregnators serve as a preventive measure against mold, mildew, fungus, dirt, water, and oils, ensuring these substances do not affect the surfaces.
Friction Testers
Slipstop employs cutting-edge technology with the TRACSCAN 2.0, a sixth-generation robotic tribometer, as the primary tool for monitoring walkway traction levels. This surface friction tester is renowned for its unparalleled precision and reliability, and it finds utility among safety experts, forensic engineers, ADA specialists, building code compliance professionals, and facility managers.
Slipstop Cleaning Products
We've developed a selection of specialised cleaning products to maintain the cleanliness and safety of your floors. Each product is meticulously crafted to ensure the utmost level of floor safety.
Slipstop's anti-slip treatments have demonstrated themselves as the most effective and economically efficient remedy for all your slippery floor concerns. Furthermore, research has confirmed that individuals working in environments with slippery floors often experience muscle tension and headaches, which can result in reduced concentration and work absences.
Our anti-slip treatments are not coatings and are completely resistant to peeling. Slipstop treatments establish a microstructure on the surface, ensuring slip resistance remains intact even in the presence of water, grease, and oil.
Our expertly trained team conducts Slipstop treatments. Smaller contracts can be finalised within a matter of hours, and there is no requirement for drying or curing periods. Consequently, there's no need for facility shutdowns, no financial loss, and minimal disruption.
A single treatment can make a floor slip resistant? I was sceptical but Slipstop was just as good as it claimed to be. Cost effective, unobtrusive and great for use indoors and side too. I’m glad I invested in the treatment and wouldn’t hesitate to do the same next time.