Company details for Sound Planning Ltd

Sound Planning Ltd

  • 0125 (Display number) 01252 711972
25A Vicarage Hill
Lower Bourne
Farnham Surrey GU10 3QS United Kingdom

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A comprehensive range of attenuators has been developed to cater to the diverse constructional and performance specifications required in the mechanical services industry.

The attenuator acoustic design is governed by various parameters such as source noise levels, system losses, distances, noise criteria, etc. Understanding     the importance of assessing the most economic unit to meet the proper noise criteria, we also consider the practicalities of the ductwork system.

In order to optimise the design, Sound Planning uses HVAC software to analyse the system requirements and plan the appropriate attenuators.

Due to the diverse range of projects undertaken, attenuator construction also includes a wide range of options that can fully cater to various specifications.

Circular Silencer
The circular silencer range is typically used in ductwork systems, where it can be duct mounted or bolted directly onto the fan – if size allows.
Depending on the acoustic requirements, circular attenuators can incorporate a central ‘pod’ that can increase the acoustic performance in terms of insertion loss – attenuators without a pod can only offer acoustic performance at minimal resistance to airflow.

Cross-talk attenuators are selected using our calculation software – to help determine the necessary insertion losses, whilst maintaining low system pressure drops (a pre-requisite at this point in the system). This range can either be of rectangular or circular construction.

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About us

Founded in 2007, Sound Planning Ltd is a leading sound and noise control consultancy offering a range of services from noise assessments to sound monitoring from environmental and industrial sound pollution.

We predominantly cover both London and the South East of England, however, Sound Planning provide a noise consultancy and noise assessment service with the rates being competitively priced throughout England, Wales and Scotland.

Liasing with local authorities on behalf of clients, Sound Planning discuss the noise, sound and vibration levels with planning officers and environmental health teams when building or houses near industrial areas.

Environmental Noise Assessments:

  • BS 4142 Noise Assessment - Industrial noise affecting residential areas
  • BS 5228 Noise Assessment - Construction noise
  • PPG 24 Noise Assessment - New dwellings near noise
Internal Noise Assessments:
  • BS 8233: 1999 - Internal noise levels due to external noise
Vibration Assessments:
  • BS 6472 -- Human response to vibration in buildings
New build or change of use dwellings often require a PPG 24 Noise Assessment as part of the planning process. PPG24 requires the assessment of existing ambient noise levels for a proposed location; the results of the noise assessment place the location within a PPG 24 noise exposure category or NEC. PPG24 requires a dominant or mixed source evaluation, dominant sources will be either: road traffic, rail traffic, air traffic or industrial noise.

Each noise assessment will be undertaken by fully qualified acoustic engineers; adhering to the relevant British Standard or guidance from the Local Planning Authority.

We then issue comprehensive acoustic noise and sound report, analysing any environmental noise problem and formulating a viable noise mitigation strategy when required.

In addition to our assessments, Sound Planning design, supply and install acoustic enclosures for both domestic and commercial heating systems, ventilation units and air conditioning equipment where noise can be an issue. 

Typical Noise Related Problems:
  • Air Compressors
  • Air Conditioning External Condenser Units
  • Air Source Heat Pumps
  • Chillers
  • Fans
  • Generators
  • Industrial Plant
  • Motors
Acoustic enclosure meet the requirements of each application; considering air flow and cooling requirements as well as overall noise reduction performance.

Our acoustic louvres range can be of benefit for projects requiring an attenuated air flow. From HVAC systems, generator enclosures and engine test cells to kitchen extraction systems, workshops and server rooms.

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Latest Reviews

Sound Planning Ltd

We used Sound Planning to install a cabinet so as to dampen the noise from our ASHP as we were getting a few complaints from the neighbours. Dan paid us a visit and helped specify the cabinet dimensions, it took a few weeks to get manufactured and then a couple of guys from Sound Planning came and installed it. Dan & the guys did a great job, the cabinet is really solid and good quality and really helps with the noise reduction so no more complaints either. Thoroughly recommend these guys.


Sound Planning Ltd

We used Sound Planning to install a cabinet so as to dampen the noise from our ASHP as we were getting a few complaints from the neighbours. Dan paid us a visit and helped specify the cabinet dimensions, it took a few weeks to get manufactured and then a couple of guys from Sound Planning came and installed it. Dan & the guys did a great job, the cabinet is really solid and good quality and really helps with the noise reduction so no more complaints either. Thoroughly recommend these guys.


Sound Planning Ltd

We recently used Sound Planning Ltd and was very impressed by the quality of work and level of service provided. Very efficient and professional from beginning till end.


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