Company details for Springup PR

Springup PR

  • 0203 (Display number) 0203 6370091
Suite 11, 7 General Gordon Square
2nd Floor Equitable House
London SE18 6FH United Kingdom

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About us

Springup PR is a leading care home marketing agency specialising in helping care providers get more enquiries through personalised data-driven marketing and PR techniques. We also assist care providers in utilising PR and digital marketing methods to become an "employer of choice" and recruit care staff more quickly. We have worked with dozens of care companies, ranging from individual homes to large groups, helping them increase their profile and "word of mouth" reputation by 10x, resulting in up to a 300% increase in enquiries and faster revenue growth. Additionally, we have leveraged PR and Facebook Ads to help care providers receive up to 4x more care worker enquiries.


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