Company details for Springvale EPS

Springvale EPS

  • 0145 (Display number) 01457 863 211
Dinting Vale Business Park
Derbyshire SK13 6LG United Kingdom

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About us

We are a privately owned producer of premium high performance products which we have supplied into the House Building, Construction, Caravan and other industries for over 50 years.

Our ability to respond to the challenges of our customers and to create added value whilst meeting the needs of the market has been a large part of our continued growth. We are also market leaders in manufacturing excellence, technical expertise and we provide all our clients with first class customer service.

We pride ourselves on being a customer-focussed business and are committed to best practice and adopting the requirements of the Quality Management standard; ISO 9001 and Environmental Management standard; ISO 14001 to support and continually improve our business processes.

Having British Standards Institute (BSI) membership and subscribing to British Standards Online (BSOL) gives Springvale instant access to British, European and International standards.

BSOL has the added benefits of notifications identifying the status of standards as current, under review or withdrawn which is invaluable in keeping Springvale up to date with relevant standards, providing a foundation on which to constantly deliver and grow the quality of our products and services, whilst meeting the legal and regulatory requirements of the business.

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