Company details for Stroma

  • 0192 (Display number) 01924 237 500
Pioneer Way
Castleford West Yorkshire WF10 5QU United Kingdom

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About us

Stroma Group is built up of three divisions. Stroma Certification, Stroma Software & Stroma Technology. Stroma specialises in building energy performance, sustainability and compliance. Our team of diverse, highly skilled staff offer flexible solutions including certification and training, software, testing and consultancy services to building and energy sectors.

Stroma are proud to have been awarded Installer Certification Body of the Year and Data & Software Company of the Year 2015 by Green Deal & ECO Awards. Stroma also came runner up in the Assessor Certification Body of the Year and Training Organisation of the Year categories.

Stroma Certification
Training, certification, and software

Stroma Certification provide Government approved and regulated certification schemes, industry-leading software solutions, and training courses. Their packages are designed for assessors, installers and other industry stakeholders associated with improving the energy performance of the built environment.

Stroma Software
Flexible, mobile software packages

Stroma Software develops innovative and flexible software packages, built on the Groups experience in the energy efficiency and compliance sector. The focus is on simple, mobile solutions, including tools for undertaking surveys, calculating property energy efficiency, gathering supporting information, and building finance packages, all supported by seamless data management and storage.

Stroma Technology
Testing, assessment, and consultancy

Stroma Technology delivers accredited testing, assessment, and consultancy services to accommodate the development, refurbishment, or ongoing management of energy-efficient and sustainable buildings. These serve residential, public, and commercial sectors across most types of building, both new and existing.

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