Company details for Systemteq Ltd

Systemteq Ltd

  • +44 (Display number) +44 (0)1923 605 301
Unit J Penfold Trading Estate
Imperial Way
Watford Hertfordshire WD24 4YY United Kingdom

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About us

Systemteq is one of the world leaders in designing, manufacturing and delivering of in-room technology and GRMS to control lighting, heating, cooling, fans, curtains, blinds, audio, access and other services, along with energy management solutions for hotels, apartments, offices and other commercial and residential properties. With over 32 years of experience Systemteq devolop control systems for independent and global partners, deliver customer-driven solutions using cutting-edge technologies, and provide off the shelf and bespoke solutions designed for any installation environment.
Systemteq's user friendly software, configurable via laptop or android tablet, allows for smooth delivery of advanced control solution.  We specialise in GRMS, PIR switches, light switches, switchplates, panels and more.

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