Company details for TechnipFMC


  • +44 (Display number) +44 1224271000
Enterprise Drive
Westhill Industrial Estate
Westhill Aberdeenshire AB32 6TQ United Kingdom

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About us

We are the energy architects. As a global leader in the traditional and renewable energy industry, TechnipFMC delivers innovative technologies, systems, and services to meet the world’s energy needs now and in the future.
TechnipFMC’s 21,000-strong team power our success – our people use their skills to design, engineer, manufacture, and install the systems used by the energy industry to access resources on land and at sea.
TechnipFMC is a publicly traded company. We have two business units, Subsea and Surface Technologies, and use what we learn in each to inform and improve our capabilities company-wide. We integrate and innovate solutions to simplify projects and accelerate time to first production. Our digital solutions generate actionable data that operators use to improve production and reduce carbon intensity.
We are leveraging our deep knowledge in traditional energy to support the energy transition. Our strategy focuses on three pillars built on our existing competencies: greenhouse gas removal, floating offshore renewables, and hydrogen.

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