Company details for Tennant UK Cleaning Solutions Ltd

Tennant UK Cleaning Solutions Ltd

  • 0160 (Display number) 01604 583191
Gladstone Road
Northampton Northamptonshire NN5 7RX United Kingdom

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Product Information

Ride-On Scrubber Driers

Ride-On Scrubber Driers

Stockcode: Ride on scrubber driers

Scrub large and small floor areas with Tennant’s range of Ride On Scrubber Driers, perfect for most environments. Add Tennant’s innovative ec-H2O NanoClean™ or FaST® scrubbing technologies to reduce water and detergent use.

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About us

Tennant Co design and manufacture a comprehensive range of floor cleaning equipment for internal and external applications. Products include scrubber-driers, sweepers, vacuums and sweeper scrubbers.

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