Company details for Third Republic

Third Republic

  • 0203 (Display number) 0203 762 2667
57-63 Scrutton Street, Avalon House, Sho
London EC2A 4PF United Kingdom

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About us

“Your strategic recruitment partner for leveraging advanced technologies”

Third Republic was founded to provide ONE outcome for our customers... access to new pools of talent.

The new digital economy is creating a radical shift in the way people now look for work.

• Accessing top rated talent in technology is now becoming more and more difficult

• It is becoming harder to identify people, harder to engage people and harder to stand out 

• Companies are engaging legacy PSL’s using outdated methods with increasingly poor results

As the digital economy heats up, the demand for talent skilled in new technologies and disciplines is getting stronger and stronger,  yet more and more difficult to find.

We hire talent in the follow technologies:
• Software Engineering
• Salesforce
• Google Cloud
• Azure
• ServiceNow
• Mulesoft
• Marketing Cloud
• DevOps & SRE
• Next-generation technologies such as AI & IoT

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