Company details for TM Robotics

TM Robotics

  • 0170 (Display number) 01707 290370
Unit 2, Bridge Gate Centre
Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 1JG United Kingdom

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Product Information

Injection Moulding Machines


We’re the sales and support partner for Shibaura Machine injection moulding machines in the UK and Ireland — selling, installing and maintaining Shibaura Machine’s fleet of injection moulding equipment.
The product range includes the full scope of the all-electric SXIII injection moulding machine series — an enhanced performance model from Shibaura Machine, with significantly faster injection speeds than traditional moulding equipment. You can view the full range of SXIII injection moulding machines here.

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About us

TM Robotics (Europe) Ltd are responsible for the sales, marketing and support of Shibaura Machine's Industrial Robots throughout Europe. Shibaura Machine / TM Robotics offer an extensive range of SCARA and Cartesian Industrial Robots. These are sold throughout Europe with the aid of a comprehensive network of system integration partners / distributors. Our partners provide local support, assistance, training and solutions to your automation requirements.


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TM Robotics

TM Robotics, is a World class company with world class products and wonderful people. An amazing company with an extensive experience, they are experts in automation industry. It is a company we love to work with.


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