Company details for Travtec Group

Travtec Group

  • 0194 (Display number) 01942 677664
Unit 17
Leigh Business Park
Meadowcroft Way
Leigh Greater Manchester WN7 3XZ United Kingdom

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Product Information

Special Products

Special Products


Travtec Special Products Division, design and builds special purpose packaging machinery for a wide range of product handling requirements, has the capabilities to develop new ideas for product handling, from initial development through to installation and commissioning.

From concept to operation, our project management team will work with customers technical and production personnel, to ensure the final product is within specification and timescales.

We operate as a full partnership with our customers, ensuring total communication regarding progress of the project, enabling mid-term modifications to be achieved if necessary, with minimum disruption.

Our facilities include: Technical Management with Concept Development and Mechanical and Electrical Design using the latest CAD facilities. A Project Management team to define customers specifications, and ensure delivery deadlines. CNC Manufacturing capabilities for perfect repeatability of components. Test Facilities for in-house pre-delivery trialling.

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About us

The Travtec Group have over 25 years' experience in the design and manufacture of standard and bespoke product handling systems and conveyor accessories that are utilised across a broad range of industries and sectors.  Based in Greater Manchester, our company specialises in the production of high-quality solutions that can be used across multiple manufacturing environments.  Our modern facilities are used to great effect by designing advanced, innovative solutions that are amongst the best on the market, allowing for clients to experience technologically-advanced systems that suits their needs perfectly.

We pride ourselves on our ability to work successfully in a diverse range of industries such as pharmaceuticals, toiletries, cosmetics and food. Our wide range of products include Diverter 4, Paratran 4, Cap Press, Tiny Tampino, , Travino, and many more.  We specialise in engineering packaging services for clients across the UK & Europe and continue to expand our services on a global scale.  We encourage anyone who wishes to increase their production efficiency to get in touch with our sales team right away to discuss any upcoming projects.

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