Company details for Treston Ltd

Treston Ltd

  • 0163 (Display number) 01635 521521
Treston House
5b Bone Lane
Newbury Berkshire RG14 5SH United Kingdom

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About us

Treston is one of the leading manufacturers of technical furniture and small parts storage systems in Europe. All products are manufactured in our facility in Finland.

Our technical furniture range consists of packing benches, packing stations, height adjustable workbenches, ESD workbenches, and heavy duty workbenches. All our products are designed to a high standard and are modular in construction. They can be easily adjusted to suit the requirements of each individual task. As they are height adjustable they enable workers to perform at maximum capacity.

Treston workbenches come in standard sizes but can also be customised if necessary. There are two ranges of workbench; the TP/TPH-range which has the standard four legged construction but is still height adjustable by allen key, and the WB-workbenches which have a cantilever construction and where the height can be adjusted either by allen key, crank or electric motor.

Treston also supply a range of ergonomic work chairs, providing excellent ergonomics in a modern design.

Treston also has a range of trolleys designed to fit the workbenches both in functionally and design. The SAP mobile bench is based on the TP/TPH workbench design and the CTR trolley is designed for the WB workbenches. Other models include the 2 – 4 shelf universal trolley TRTA.

Treston also manufacture small parts storage bins, small parts storage cabinets and small parts storage systems including picking bins and shelf bins. The 290- and 550-series cabinets have clear bins making picking visually simple. The larger 2440- and 4840 cabinets can be fitted with barcode labels to ensure increased accountability.

Most Treston products are also available as ESD products (ElectroStatic Discharge) protective. Workbenches and trolleys come with ESD-worktops and shelves and can be grounded. Bins are black conductive and cabinets painted with an ESD-paint.

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