Company details for Vibration Monitoring Services Ltd

Vibration Monitoring Services Ltd

  • 0208 (Display number) 0208 108 0440
18 Kings Road
Minster on Sea
Sheerness Kent ME12 2HL United Kingdom

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About us

At Vibration Monitoring Services we are able to offer a wide range of services to suit your requirements from Noise, Dust and Vibration Monitoring during Demolition, Construction and Piling to Machinery Vibration & Thermal Imaging Surveys. With over 30 years experience in environmental vibration, dust & noise monitoring in the heavy industry sector we can offer a wide range of equipment to suit your project and can tailor the services to meet your requirements.

Our machinery vibration monitoring is the ideal solution when trying to prevent any unforeseen problems occurring. The aim for you, as an Engineer, is for the maintenance of your facilities to instigate procedures which will increase efficiency and output by preventative maintenance measures, to diagnose faults allowing repairs to be scheduled within maintenance routines, before catastrophic failures occur.

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