Latest news from Dampcure-Woodcure/30 Ltd

Historical Buildings Saved from Ruin

19 June 2008

Dampcure treatment can protect our most treaured buildings from disrepair.


Many of our most cherished buildings have been saved from ruin since dampcure and timbercure specialists have set about protecting them. Historical buildings such as St Alban’s School, the Ovaltine Building and Bushey University are among those that have taken prevention measures to protect against damage from rising damp, condensation and timber rot.

Old buildings were originally built to ‘breathe’ but today’s living standards don’t fit with traditional building methods that weren’t originally designed to accommodate luxuries such as central heating and hot showers. Originally, materials such as earth plaster and lime wash would have allowed a building the necessary breathing space to dry out after rainfall. Many of these buildings also featured large open fires and ill fitting doors and windows so air was able to circulate throughout the building. But with modern features and cosmetic changes, the moisture is trapped inside creating a green house effect inside.

Dampcure is a technique that was developed to protect against the effects of trapped moisture. Many schools, government buildings and universities that are old, typically suffer from moisture laden air that is unable to evaporate. It enters the building and cools resulting in condensation. This then leads to decay or damage to the building and contents, as well as having possible negative health impacts on the occupants.

Dampcure Woodcure/30 Ltd, the rising damp and timber specialist responsible for the dampcure and timbercure proofing at St Alban’s School, the Ovaltine Building and Bushey University comment:

‘Without the correct treatment, many beautiful, historical buildings could easily suffer extensive damage from rising damp and timber decay. Our job is to make sure that doesn’t happen. We have been involved in the preservation of many historical buildings.’

A family run business of four generations, the company is so confident that a building will be safeguarded, that they offer a 30 year guarantee.

‘Once we have treated the potential problem areas, we are confident that the building will be protected for the next 30 years.’

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Dampcure-Woodcure/30 Ltd

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