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Actulite Enery Efficient Lighting is Chosen by Hereford Museum

09 July 2008

Energy efficient, low maintenance UV free lighting that was capable of protecting the Hereford museum’s treasured artifacts was required by the museum forthe Hereford Resource & Learning Centre.

Hereford Museum required a low maintenance, eco friendly lighting that was capable of protecting it's resources. In response to this, Actulite selected its Actulite polarized daylight lighting solution which emits a glare free source of light similar to daylight on a bright but mildly overcast day.

The energy efficient lighting effect is created through the combined use of the patented Actulite multi-layered light polarising panel, high frequency control gear and specially manufactured triphosphor full spectrum fluorescent tubes. 
The gentle light it emits will eliminate common effects caused by florescent lighting, such as headaches and can even by effective for combating symptoms of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).  Actulite is particularly beneficial for applications where good quality, low glare lighting with excellent colour rendition is important, such as in restoration and conservation work.  Actulite luminaires are long lasting and so require little maintenance, which in turn reduces recycling costs.

Commenting on the museum’s requirements, Kate Andrew, principle heritage officer said, “We wanted a lighting system that would be efficient and not cause any degradation to the museum’s collections.  The centre’s conservation lab is in the basement and is without windows, so we wanted as natural a light as possible for this facility.”

On specifying Actulite, Kate Andrew continued, “I had Actulite installed into my office in a previous role and I soon became a convert.  Actulite emits a light very similar to daylight and so produces a more pleasant environment than conventional fluorescent lighting.  Actulite has good colour rendition so you see things in the correct colour, which is vitally important when working with the museum’s artefacts.”

In total the Aura Corporation supplied 80 Actulite units for the Hereford Museum Resource & Learning Centre, with organisers very impressed with the results. 

“We had an excellent response from staff after installing Actulite.  We can really appreciate the difference it has made to our working environment.  The conservation lab doesn’t have any windows but the lighting is so good now that you can’t tell.  We receive a number of visits from other museum services to look at the building and often receive comments about the lighting and requests for details of the specification”, added Kate Andrew.

Further information is available from Aura Corporation Ltd on 01902 332352, by emailing or by visiting the company’s website

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