Latest news from Habia Cable Ltd

Specialist Cables designed with Experience

23 September 2013

The sooner a cable designer gets involved in your cable project, the chances are that it will result in a better and more cost effective solution. Habia Cable´s highly skilled designers are widely experienced in all cable matters.

The cable designers at Habia Cable are key players in the important and sometimes demanding design process. Every enquiry is unique and the complexity range varies hugely between single wires to multi core cables for demanding applications.  The challenge is to find the best possible solution for the customer at a reasonable price. Elisabeth Österlund has worked as a designer at Habia Cable for many years and has a strategic function today.

“Our main task is to understand our customer´s needs and deliver a solution. Our collective knowledge and experience within the company is substantial since Habia Cable has been producing cable solutions for many years to customers in many different areas all over the world. It is my job to make the most of all our competence”, says Elisabeth Österlund.

Prompt feedback every time

The designers work in close cooperation with sales and production and other parts of the company like an R&D department. Quick answers and feedback are a natural part of the everyday work life. The designers often liaise directly with the customer and if it is required, make a site visit to decide the correct design.

“A cable solution is often modified several times before it is established, so if we can shorten the lead time by a site visit, then we are more than happy to do so. We then get an instant understanding of the surrounding elements where the application will work”, says Roger Lindström, Cable Designer for the Nordic region.

Specialised all rounders

Demands from the customers have increased over the years. Extensive testing and documentation are common elements in the process, especially in the Nuclear segment where the safety requirements are enormous. All cable designers are highly skilled all rounders with wide cable knowledge, but in addition they all have deeper specialist expertise in their segments.

“I am privileged to have a job that has a great variation every day. I get to work out and solve problems with our comprehensive toolbox of materials, know-how and manufacturing capacity. It is also fantastic to be a part of the Habia team. All the dedicated people create great things together when we aim for the same goal”, says Elisabeth Österlund.

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