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Safety Shields Protect Against Dangerous Spray-Outs

26 August 2008

The need for compliance with the latest regulations, such as ATEX137 and DSEAR, is one of the main reasons prompting many process operators, especially those in the offshore oil and gas industries, to invest in flange guards and safety shields.

To meet the demand for flange guards and safety shields, Allison Engineering has introduced a range of safety shields which provide simple, yet highly effective protection from dangerous spray-outs which can occur from pressurised pipelines containing diesel, lube oil and other potentially harmful liquids.

Allison’s safety shields are designed to wrap around pipe joints, such as flanges, valves, couplings, or any type of pipeline fitting, not to contain leaks indefinitely, but to prevent the hazardous spray which might be the cause of fire or explosion in zoned hazardous areas, or in the event of contact with hot surfaces. For example, the range includes SOLAS type approved shields for use in engine rooms or on generator sets.

The simple design of the shields enables them to be removed during pipe maintenance, or in the event of a leak. The shields can be simply washed and used again to provide a safe and long-term solution. Furthermore, the shields can and have been used to actually reduce the size of zoned hazardous areas, during the re-zoning process. 

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Allison Engineering