GHandi Project Completed
12 September 2016
The Geometry Handling and Integration (GHandI) project, led by MBDA UK has come to a successful conclusion.
Funded by the Technology Strategy Board, this 3-year project conducted research and development into improved tools for designing and optimising novel airframe shapes and turbomachinery components with the prime focus on geometry. MBDA UK was the lead in a consortium of seven partners who also collaborated with a further seven subcontractors, five UK universities & two SMEs.GHandI consisted of four interconnected Work Packages:
Geometry Generation
Rapid geometry generation; higher fidelity geometry earlier in the design process; geometry engines to support configuration optimisation
Geometry Manipulation
Editing & managing the geometry for use in design & automated design
Geometry Interrogation
Extracting information from geometry to drive/inform meshing & optimisation
Interface to Simulation
Putting it all together…demonstrations
According to a final report on the project, GHandI was very successful and succeeded in placing geometry centre-stage, enabling an exciting, wide range of novel technologies to be developed and taken through into practical, daily use.
The consortium partners who design and manufacture hardware have all taken the new capabilities developed under GHandI and embedded them within their respective design systems. All report very worthwhile improvements in overall geometry-to-simulation process efficiency and productivity.