Latest news from Prime Systems

Reopening and Prime housekeeping

06 April 2021

What a difference a year makes. We stand in a much stronger, educated and vaccinated (well, some) position as you start thinking about reopening your doors to the public once again.

Thankfully, some of our Prime customers have remained open serving us with food, essential items and providing essential services. A big thank you to all of you.

We thought it may be a good time to remind you of how we can assist you with general housekeeping within your Prime system. We are here to offer any support we can to all of you.

Is your Prime User list up to date? We are able to provide you with a login audit which can tell you the list of users, their allocated email address and the last time they logged in (this may of course be awhile ago). We will be more than happy to make any amendments you need.

Do you have the right people in the right place? We can provide you with a list of where your people are allocated, confirm who is listed to receive notifications and who has been allocated as a manager etc.

Do you need to switch Compliance Monitoring checks back on? Some of you who use this system will have spent time turning these off when you needed to. Please let us know as soon as you can if you need to make amendments. We will always turn support work around as fast as we can but it’s always good to be prepared.

We have also added the following features to Prime over the last 12 months to help our customers with the added problems arising out of the pandemic:
  • Suspected and Actual COVID Cases – an addition to Incident reporting to help you report and track COVID cases affecting your teams and customers
  • Visitor Tracker – mainly for use by our holiday park clients, this allows your visitors to pre-register their visits, following the NHS Test & Trace programme
  • COVID Risk Assessments – Using our Risk Assessment application to allow COVID specific Risk Assessments to be provided to users to complete
If you would like any more details on any of the above features or have anything else you would like us to help with then please do let us know. You can either email or our support team at



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