Cruse Control launches Database & Sage Integration
16 October 2009
Registered Synchronite developers, Cruse Control, can now integrate databases with Sage accounts packages.
Whether using Cruse Controls' own Contacts, WorkflowPLUS or Publish databases, or one of your own in house FileMaker solutions, Cruse Control are pleased to announce that they can now integrate FileMaker systems with Sage products. The integration has been achieved by Cruse Controls' recent training on DuroDatas' new 'Synchronite' product.This makes the following possible: Two way synchronisation of customer and supplier information. Customer and supplier accounts can be created and updated in either system. The ability to post multi line sales and purchase invoices. (With Sage Line 50 you can even post the invoice without the transaction for ultimate control). The ability to post foreign-currency invoices, with the option to override the exchange rates defined in the accounts package from within FileMaker. The ability to post journal transactions Full error handling with error details logged and referenced back to your FileMaker solution. The facility to import control data such as nominal account codes, tax codes and currencies into your solution. Full network and cross platform functionality, access all these features from both Mac OSX and Microsoft Windows workstations on your FileMaker network Multi-Company.
If your organisation uses one or more company Synchronite can automatically switch between them on the fly 'Synchronite' is Duro Datas' replacement for its well known and widely used 'SageLink Professional' product. As registered Synchronite developers, Cruse Control are well placed to undertake these integrations and have direct access to support and other information from the makers of this well respected product.
Businesses using this product will save hours of time by avoiding the need to re-key information, also ensuring data accuracy along the way. Contact us and we will examine your system and let you know what needs to be done in order to ensure that the integration will run smoothly. Or call 01923 842 295 for more details. FileMaker Compatibility FileMaker Pro V7, V8, V8.5, V9 FileMaker Server Advanced (recommended - 10 or more users) V7, V8, V9 (Under certain criteria, FileMaker Server 9 can also be used) Sage Compatibility Sage Line 50 V12, V13 (2007), V14 (2008) Sage MMS\200 V3.5