Latest news from Zenith Canopy Structures Ltd

Zenith covers secret to licensees profit increase

14 January 2010

Over the last five years hotel owners and licensees around the UK have discovered the secrets of increasing their profit by installing Zenith Canopy Structures at their establishments.

Since the advent of the smoking ban, licensees have had to re-appraise their business and re-market the features that encourage customers to choose them over a competitor. Ian Manners of Zenith said; “The benefits to licensees of our canopy structures is that they can be used all the year round regardless of weather. When approached by the licensed trade, we have used our experience and spent a good deal of time with them discussing how we can make the best use of available space to increase their profits and add real value to their business”. Zeniths' research shows that people actually prefer to eat and drink outside in the shade under a fixed, robust cover that they feel safe beneath rather than a giant umbrella that can move about by up to 25cm each way in strong winds. The proof is also clear at the Longcross Hotel, Trelights, Port Isaac, Cornwall. In April 2006, the proprietor James Bishop installed a 6m x 6m structure on his decking to the rear of the hotel overlooking the sea. In 2007 he added a further 70m2 of covered space and in 2008 he installed glazed walls and opening doors. James said; “Business has boomed since and we now have an outdoor function room that caters for up to 150 people when not being used as a day to day eating area”. In May 2009 Drayton Manor Theme Park installed 165m2 of Zeniths' canopies outside their burger bar. Simon Vale of Drayton Manor Park said; “We received a very quick return on our investment and our customers are now able to benefit from an outdoor covered area in all weathers”. Zenith canopies are available in a variety of modular sizes and colours.

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