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Aluminium International Today - Advanced Measurements & Furnace Monitoring

29 August 2024

Melting and holding furnaces are an essential part of most aluminium processing facilities, but many of these aren’t run anywhere near full capacity due to limited process information.

Aluminium International Today Standard infrared pyrometers or thermal imagers typically cannot provide real-time information into key process conditions, such as temperature and melt characteristics, without considering the special and very demanding measurement and application conditions that are particularly associated with liquid aluminium and its properties. This requires intelligent infrared (IR) temperature measurement technology to support highly efficient and better-controlled furnace operations.

Non-contact IR measurement solutions avoid some of the limitations and pitfalls of single-point probe measurements. There is no need to wait for a rise in liquid levels or for complex retraction mechanisms. Contact issues or frequent failure of the protection sheath is no longer an obstacle. Measurements are simply available as long as the melt surface is visible to the imager or pyrometer.

With thermal imagers one can also get 2D temperature measurements over a large part of the furnace, making the system more robust to hot or cold spots in the melt, and capable of providing new valuable process information.

It is well known that accurate remote measurement of aluminium is difficult because the metal surface has such a low emissivity and therefore is extremely reflective – much like trying to make an optical measurement of a mirror. Furthermore, the accumulation of slag and dross on the surface changes the measurement conditions signifi cantly. However, advanced technology and systems such as AMETEK Land’s SPOT+ AL non-contact pyrometer use measurements at carefully selected wavelengths, combined with proprietary algorithms, to determine the accurate temperature of liquid aluminium

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