Company details for Weetwood


  • 0135 (Display number) 01352 700045
Park House
Broncoed Business Park
Ffordd Byrnwr Gwair
Mold Flintshire CH7 1FQ United Kingdom

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About us

Weetwood is a leading independent consultancy specialising in flood risk, drainage and water management. The company was established in 1998 and provides a national service from locations across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Our range of services includes flood risk assessments, flood consequences assessments, surface water and foul water drainage strategies and designs (including detailed design of drainage networks for the discharge of conditions, approval by the SAB (SuDS Approval Body) (Wales), lead local flood authority approval (England),  water company adoption, tender and construction), Water Framework Directive assessments, Environmental Impact Assessments, utilities assessments, due diligence advice, expert witness and planning appeals support.

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