Company details for Western Ecology Ltd

Western Ecology Ltd

  • 0800 (Display number) 0800 622 6828
1 Geffery Close
Saltash Cornwall PL12 5HA United Kingdom

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About us

We are Western Ecology Limited, a South West based ecological consultancy / environmental consultant covering Devon, Cornwall and Somerset. Our experienced ecologists offer clear-thinking and pragmatic advice on your ecological problems to smooth your way to a successful planning application.
If you are looking to build a house, develop a site or need a bat survey to support a planning application in Devon, Cornwall or Somerset, then Western Ecology’s professional ecologists can help you. We work to British Standard BS42020:2013 so you can be sure to get the highest quality service.
Our ecologists provide the full range of ecological surveys (environmental surveys and reports) you are likely to need during your planning application. This includes the initial survey of a site that has many names such as: Preliminary ecological appraisals, extended / phase 1 habitat surveys, wildlife surveys, ecological assessments and biodiversity surveys.

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