Company details for Whale Tankers Ltd

Whale Tankers Ltd

  • +44 (Display number) +44 (0) 121 704 5700
Ravenshaw (off Ravenshaw Way) Solihull
West Midlands B91 2SU United Kingdom

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About us

The Whale range is well-respected and generates a sense of belonging, not just in the UK but also across the international markets. Whale is symbolic of outstanding quality, value and reliability, setting a benchmark others strive to emulate. Through continuous improvement, the company remains committed to producing a diverse product range, engineered to meet specific customer requirements.
Whale will also continue to embrace appropriate legislation by working hand-in-hand with the relevant authorities. Already respected industry-wide for its work within this field, Whale intends to remain proactively involved in the evolution of the legislative process.
Well placed to face the future with confidence, Whale Tankers will remain focused on developing its products, processes and people, through partnerships and investments, ensuring that it remains at the forefront of its industry.
Whale Tankers – a company that is in the prime of its life!

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