Company details for Wilson Power Solutions

Wilson Power Solutions

  • +44 (Display number) +44 1132717588
Westland Square
Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 5SS United Kingdom

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Product Information




We design, manufacture and supply a comprehensive range of cold-rolled grain oriented (CRGO) double winding distribution transformers supplied in liquid-filled (Oil or Synthetic Ester e.g. Midel).

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About us


Our dedicated customer service, product innovation, engineering excellence and a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility have made us a valued and trusted power solutions partner for some of the UK’s biggest companies.
Dedicated to helping customers find the best power distribution solution for their individual needs, we are passionate about our expert knowledge and committed to giving advice with our customers’ best interests at heart.

Wilson Power Solutions is managed by the third generation of the Wilson family and we treasure our heritage.  We know that our hard-earned reputation for service excellence and superior product performance has grown out of 75 years of experience in the power engineering sector.

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