Company details for Wood And Ker

Wood And Ker

  • 0157 (Display number) 01573225565
53 Roxburgh Street
Scottish Borders
Kelso Scottish Borders TD5 7DS United Kingdom

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About us

Wood and Ker Insurance are an established Insurance broker in Kelso, Scottish Borders. Established in 1985 and servicing the insurance needs of the local and surrounding areas of the Scottish Borders from our office in Roxburgh Street, Kelso. We provide friendly, personal, one to one advice and arrange insurance that best fits your needs working with the latest modern technology. We are also very happy to visit clients at their own home or business premises if required.  Wood and Ker Insurance have built up a well respected reputation in and around the Scottish Borders of providing tailored farming and livestock insurance to the agricultural industries, a wide range of landlord insurance products, as well as the more general requirements of residential and commercial insurance requirements – whether that be buildings and contents, travel insurance or motor insurance.

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