Company details for WPS Compliance Consulting Ltd

WPS Compliance Consulting Ltd

  • 0160 (Display number) 01604859961
Barnfield Farm
Finedon Road
Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN9 5NQ United Kingdom

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About us

WPS provides a wide range of services, covering Planning, BREEAM and Environmental Consultancy.  We have also developed a software tool called SitePlan ( ) that enables clients to be self-sufficient and manage their own waste and environmental data.
Within the team we have an extremely varied range of talents and experience, which enables us to work with a variety of clients in different industry sectors. It also means we have a unique empathy and understanding of our clients’ needs, which results in excellent working relationships, even if Lara does generate a few laughs by taking apples on to site for ‘Fresh Fruit Friday’!
The majority of WPS’s original clients are still clients today, including Ashford Homes, Total Projects and Watson & Cox.

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