Company details for Young Calibration Ltd

Young Calibration Ltd

  • 0127 (Display number) 01273 455 572
5 Cecil Pashley Way
Shoreham Airport
Shoreham-by-Sea West Sussex BN43 5FF United Kingdom

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About us

Calibration and Test laboratory for all industry sectors. Specilaising in UKAS ISO 17025 Calibration Services for flow, air velocity, pressure, electrical, temperature and humidity. Extensive component testing services for aviation and automotive heat exchangers, with a range of R & D, environmental and durability test facilities. 

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Latest Reviews

Young Calibration Ltd

Emergency calibration check, thanks guys done so quick


Young Calibration Ltd

Great local calibration company for our weighing machines, pressure gauges, ovens and chambers. Good range of onsite services at reasonable cost


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